Camilian Task Force (CTF)

What We Do

Camilian Task Force (CTF)

Born out of a need to address the acute sense of despair and helplessness resulting from natural calamities and disasters, the CTF was formed and made operational in 2004 with a focus on providing rehabilitative care for disaster survivors.Camillians are well-equipped to provide pastoral care, trauma counselling, and other disaster relief activities. The Camillian Task Force (CTF) is one of the various initiatives of the Ministers of the Infirm (Camillians), a religious institute of the Catholic Church. CTF was launched in 2001 and since then, CTF has become a significant part of the mission of the Camillians to promote health and well-being of the people.

The CTF is a joint venture beyond Camillians where all like-minded people collaborate in witnessing the merciful love of Christ, united by their faith in Jesus Christ and motivated by the Camillian Charisma.

CTF responds as a team to every type of disasters throughout the world, both locally and worldwide. Since 2004, CTF has responded to nine disasters and provided financial, psycho-social and rehabilitation support to the poor victims.

CTF consists of many health care professionals and support personnel who offer their competence so as to lessen the consequences of devastating natural and man-made disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, plagues, drought and the consequences of armed conflict.

Aims and Priorities
We carry out a well-established array of activities in the area of healthcare: prevention, curative treatment, pastoral care, rehabilitation and education. However, given the signs of the times, the members of the Order felt the need for a stronger presence in the area of disaster relief.

The impact of disasters on people is extensive. They often have significant pastoral, medical and humanitarian needs. The members of CTF offer support to lessen the trauma of sudden loss, injury and disaster-related suffering.

Therefore, the aim of the CTF is to provide integral care in the aftermath of disasters such as drought, famine, mass displacement, floods and so on, when the life, health and livelihood of people is at risk unless immediate action is taken.

Camillians are well-equipped to provide pastoral care after disasters, particularly trauma counseling, an area often overlooked by other organizations: the Order specializes in the area of pastoral care; trained lay personnel and volunteers are available for counseling; there are many pastoral centers run for this intention that entitle the institution to shape its role in the area of counseling for the traumatized, filling a gap in the many services provided after a disaster. The institution now has the opportunity to utilize the CTF to facilitate and even offer training in the areas of trauma counseling and disaster relief.

Our Mission
To witness the merciful love of Christ for the poor and the sick, especially when affected by disasters, whether man-made and/or natural.

Welcome … Join CTF !

Any man or woman who believes in the mission of CTF and wants to serve those affected by disasters is welcome to join the CTF!

Lack of specialization in the area of health care is not an obstacle for any genuinely committed individual who wants to work hard and be a part of the team.

People willing to help others in distress in whatever way are welcome to join the CTF!

CTF is committed to collaborate with like-minded organizations and the local church, i.e., the diocese, and offers its services to those in need regardless of their faith.

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